="Title" content="Issues and challenges of a small library">

Sunday, February 12, 2006

My New Library

My New Library
31 January, 2006.
I have returned to work after 2 years of full time study. There was a few dramas in placing me – not on my part, I had a contract position all teed up, but eventually a position was found at a small school quite handy to home. There are only 140 students and 6 teaching staff. I am working 2 days a week, and that’s all I want.
The library went through a move during the holidays and things were in the room but not in the right order. It took me 2 days to put some order into it, before I touched the database. There are a few problems there, but I will just have to work with what I have got, because I haven’t got time to start from scratch. Databases are interesting things – fun to work with, but you can make a real mess if you set it up wrong or go making radical changes without thinking things through. And sometimes you do not know the implications until you have done it.
Anyhow aside from all that it is pretty good and the kids begin borrowing tomorrow – database ready or not. I think it will be Ok, I will just tweak it as I go…I hope!
The photos I have taken are of the library as I found it when I arrived at school on the first day. I will post more as it evolves and things are working better.


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