="Title" content="Issues and challenges of a small library">

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Planning and teaching

Planning and teaching
12 February, 2006
With only 6 classes the planning is not too huge, but it does not happen in school time. I am teaching on one day and I see all classes in that day. On the second day I am on site I have admin time allocated, but so far I have spent it on just putting things into order.
The planning is going OK with some classes, but most are open to suggestion and will go with whatever is suggested. I think from the teachers’ point of view it is not knowing what to expect or how I operate is part of the problem. I have been asked if the children will need a ‘library book’. Apparently all ‘library lessons’ occurred in a book and the students wrote down notes about how to use a library in that. I do not operate that way and like to make the library sessions as integrated as possible with the classroom teachers program. So I have been asking teachers what they have been doing in their classroom and what the focus of the term is. Mostly it is the Commonwealth Games as they begin in about 30 days time.
So far I have done a lesson on library orientation and where things are located and the importance of organising information, even that which is placed on shelves.
The second lesson, broadly speaking across the classes (except Preschool and year 1) was about Mind mapping and organising information into logical sequences and groupings. The year 6/7 class progressing onto how to structure an internet search. That was a bit different as we did not even have a computer to have a look at; but the children were experienced enough with Google and search engines to work with me to structure Boolean searches using +, ()and “.  
I have written up unit plans for the term and have coached a couple of teachers on how to use outcome statements and structure assessment tasks to reflect the outcome statement. So far it is going well. (Unfortunately I have drawn them up using tables and Blogger does not accept tables as part of its format, so I will have to figure out another way to show these).
I am considering building a website of my own to store a lot of this information, so when I do that I can link to my lesson plans from here). A job pending!
The important part though is that the teaching in the library is meaningful to the students and is integrated into their class activities. Learning in context!


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