="Title" content="Issues and challenges of a small library">

Friday, February 17, 2006

Reference dilemmas

The reference section. The top set of World Book Encyclopedias is 1988. The bottom set is even older. The budget will definately not go to a new set of encyclopedias, and for the money I am sure a digital encyclopedia has to be better for our use. I have been directing the students with internet access at home to Wikipedia and although it has its detractors it is better than what we have on our shelves. I would like to see our Education providor engage in a bulk deal to have all schools with a digital encyclopedia at a discounted price. When we have computers in the library I will provide a link to the Shire Council Library websites and use their online databases to support our research needs.
It was interesting that on the oz-tl list this message came through last week -

SUBJECT: [OZ_TLNET] 1991 Encyclopedia - Free.
We have a set of World Book Encyclopedia Free missing Volume 1, if anyone has a use for it. (name and location withheld)

This in fact would be more current that the one we need to keep.

I love this. The engraving into the timber bookcase says 'I hate library'. At least this person stayed long enough to leave a mark. (Click on the picture to see it in a new window and the etching is much clearer).


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