="Title" content="Issues and challenges of a small library">

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Positive Meeting

9th March, 2006

The meeting with the Principal was very positive, with me being allowed to attend network meetings. I rolled my NCT into it so I would be able to go. At the staff meeting that is closest to the next meeting I will explain to staff where I am going and how I am using the time to get there.

I am also going to the ICT meetings. These are after school and it was suggested I should encourage the teacher who works with the classes in ICT implementation to go with me. I think it will be useful for him as he will meet others in the district that are doing a similar role as he is. I suggested that I should teach him as much as he is able to cope with in the management of the network and server when it arrives, but there is an expectation that I will manage most of this. I am OK with this as it gives me an opportunity to set up an intranet and the virtual library idea to make it work and also have a library focus.

I left my planning with the principal as he was most keen to look at it during the week. He also noticed that the year 3,4,5,6 & 7 were all covering biographies in some way. It will be good to map some trends over the course of a year to see the repetitions and see if we can put some emphasis on particular writing skills in certain years instead of this sort of overlap. I am keen to begin writing narratives with the children, as there is a story writing competition that the students will be able to enter which coincides with Book Week in August. That will be a good focus for term 2.

We did not get to the topic of budget and allocations. I will work on that, but he was keen to hear about the virtual library idea, and what sorts of things would be placed on our site and how parents and community could use it. I am going to add this idea to our gaming fund submission to get the resources. I will need some IT support in the set up of this, because I will need a dynamic website and the OPAC will be the database backend to it.

Cataloguing kits
Aside from that I catalogued a box of resources that did not have ISBNs. I was able to get the basic cataloguing data from the SCIS OPAC by searching by title. Most of the resources were kits and SCIS does not do kits very well – especially to cater for teachers, who may only wish to take only one or two items from a kit. In any case all the contents of the kit have to be attached to the outside of the kit so we can track what is missing easily. All items have to be marked that they belong to a particular kit so if they go astray we know which kit they belong to. No wonder kits get left until the last to be done.

Ordering Resources
I ordered $100 worth of books through Bookclub and managed to get ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and the ‘Bum Thief’ set. I wonder what the reaction will be to those? I bought my son the full set for Christmas a couple of years ago. Many have the impression that librarians’ and teachers’ kids are good readers and are model students. I have a son who is a reluctant reader and a very reluctant school attender. On receipt of the ‘Bum Thief’ books, the whole set was read before school returned and have been re-read since. I think that has to be a recommendation!
The library collection is very conservative. There is absolutely nothing controversial in it – not even the ‘Far out Brussel Sprout’ book of children’s poetry – and I thought everyone would have had that!

For myself I bought ‘The Paperbag Princess’ and will make sure I read it to classes every International Women’s Day.


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